Red-Eyed Tree Frog

 Red-Eyed Tree Frog
 (Agalychnis calidryas)

The Red-Eyed Tree Frog is located in Southern Mexico, Central
America including but not limited to Costa Rica, Honduras and
Panama, and northern South America.


Red-Eyed Tree Frogs are carnivorous and eat mostly insects,
including crickets.  They will also feed on other smaller frogs.


Red-Eyed Tree Frogs inhabit lowland rainforest areas near
ponds, streams and rivers.  The Red-Eyed Tree Frog will be
found near water sources that its offspring, tadpoles, will need to

Size and Description

Red-Eyed Tree Frogs will grow to be 2 cm (males) and 3 -4 cm
(females) in length.  The Red-Eyed Tree Frog is well known for
its bulging red eyes and beautiful blue streaks and orange toes. 
When the Tree Frog sleeps it hides its sharp colors, but if it
runs from a predator the bright colors may confuse or disinterest
the predator.  Like many Tree Frogs, the Red-Eyed Tree Frog
has suction cups on its toes that enable it to climb trees and on


Red-Eyed Tree Frogs will lay clutches of eggs on the underside
of leaves that are standing above a water source.  When the
eggs hatch the fluid that was inside the eggs assist in washing
the tadpoles down into the water.

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