Resplendent Quetzal

Resplendent Quetzal 
(Pharomachrus mocinno)

      The Resplendent Quetzal is mostly found in Central
      America, in countries such as Honduras, Costa Rica, El
      Salvador, Panama and Guatemala.


      The Resplendent Quetzal is omnivorous.  Their favorite
      foods are fruits that are associated with the avocado
      family (see picture at right).  They will also dine on
      insects and small vertebrates such as lizards and


      Resplendent Quetzals live in the cloud forests of Central
      America.  Cloud forests are defined as tropical or
      subtropical forests, often located in higher altitudes, that
      have a large amount of cloud cover or low, settling fog.  

Size and Description

      The Resplendent Quetzal is roughly 14 - 16 inches in
      length.  Its long train of tail feathers adds an additional 24
      - 25 inches.  The Quetzal is a beautiful bird characterized
      by the aquamarine feathers on its head and body.  In
      stark contrast to these feathers is the bright red plumage
      that is found on its breast.  The male is more colorful
      than the female so that it will be able to attract the
      attention of the females.  Females are less colorful and
      do not have a long train of tail feathers.  This helps the
      female to be less conspicuous and hide from predators. 
      On the Resplendent Quetzal's head is a small crest of
      spiked yellow and green feathers.  The eyes are black,
      and the beaks of males are yellow, while the beaks of
      females are black.


      Resplendent Quetzals will usually carve out a nest in a
      rotten tree, using their beaks to cut out the rotten wood. 
      Here, the female will lay two or three eggs in a given
      clutch.  Both male and female will share responsibility in
      building the nest as well as incubating the eggs.  The
      incubation period lasts two - three weeks. 

Additional Notes

      The main threat to the Resplendent Quetzal is
      degradation of its habitat by human activity.  These
      activities include farming and capturing the bird for
      commercial practices

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